Larry Levenson was more than ready to ride this wave. In 1974, Goldstein launched the cable talk show Midnight Blue, and “porno chic” - a phrase coined that year by Ralph Blumenthal of the New York Times - was surging.
The following year Deep Throat and Behind the Green Door opened, making Linda Lovelace and Marilyn Chambers, their key players, cross-culturally known names. Germaine Greer, a Suck stalwart, was involved in a landmark event I attended in Amsterdam in 1971 - the second iteration of the Wet Dream Festival, a showing of international porno movies. Al Goldstein founded Screw magazine in 1968, and Suck, the radical feminist mag, was launched in London the following year. Going naked was like waving a defiant flag in the ’60s counterculture, as at muddy Woodstock.